Application Field
- Ion beam lithography
- Cross section and 3D reconstruction
- SEM observation
Technical Characteristics
Elstar UHR immersion lens FESEM column
- Electrostatic scanning
- Constant power lens technology
- Fast beam blanker (5 MHz)
- Landing voltage 50 V – 30 kV
- Probe current up to 22 nA
Electron beam resolution @ optimum WD
- 0.9 nm @ 15 kV
- 1.4 nm @ 1kV
Tomahawk ion column
- Up to 60 A.cm² beam current density
- 15 apertures (1 pA – 65 nA)
- Landing voltage 500 V – 30 kV
Ion beam resolution @ coincident point
High precision 5-axes motorized stage
- XY : 150 mm x 150 mm, piezo driven
- Z : 10 mm
- T : -10° to +60°
- R : 360° endless, piezo driven
- Tilt accuracy (between 50 and 54°) 0.1°
- Elstar in-lens SE detector (TLD-SE)
- Elstar in-lens BSE detector (TLD-BSE)
- Everhart-Thornley SE detector (ETD)
- High contrast BSE detector (DBS)
- SE and SI detector (ICE)
- IR Camera / NavCam
Gas Injection System
- Platinum deposition
- Insulator deposition (SiOx)
- Enhanced etch (iodine)
- Insulator enhanced etch (XeF2)
- 3D reconstruction (slice & view)
- Flood Gun
Raith Elphy Multibeam
- GDSII editor
- 50 ns min. dwell time
- Drift correction
- Overlay and stitching possible, accuracy function of used beam and field size