FEATURES : Fabrication of highly accurate 2.5D / 3D geometries by direct f-s laser writing and wet etching.
Repeatable results with µm-range resolution
Sealing, welding, selective ablation, micro-cracks.
Modification of refractive index ~1E-3 (waveguides)
Automatic surface detection and tilt correction.
Alignment to marks with ±1-2µm precision.
FEMTO-SECOND LASER : Power: >5W, l=1030nm
Pulse duration : controllable <250fs up to >10ps
Repetition rate: from single pulse to 2MHz
Pulse energy: > 10µJ
WRITING HEAD : Writing head located under substrate
Writing Objectives: 10x, 20x, 50x
Big work distance: 12mm (x10), 4.5mm (x20, x50)
Real writing speed depends on multiple factors such as material, pattern size and geometries, writing strategy, depth.
MATERIALS : Compatible with a large spectrum of substrates.
Current materials developed:
- Fused silica
- Borosilicate glass (e.g. Borofloat 33)
MACHINING PERFORM.: Depends on material.
e.g. for Fused Silica:
Max. precision: ±1µm (2.5D), ±2µm (3D)
Aspect ratio >1:500
Avg. surface roughness Ra: 100nm (directly)
Min. surface roughness Ra: <10nm (treatment)
Min. buried channel cross-section: 2µmx8µm
Selectivity ~1:200 (KOH)
X-Y-Z STAGE : Vacuum or mechanical clamping of substrate
3-axis sample positioning system
Travel range: 100x100x25mm, repeat. 200nm
Max. speed 90mm/s
SAMPLE HOLDERS: Vacuum holders: wafers 2”, 3”, 4”
Mechanical holders:
- 10x10mm2
- 20 x 20 mm2
- Microscope slides (76x26mm2, 76x30mm2)
- Other sizes on demand
Ultimate max. sample size: 200x200x10mm
Alphacam (server license):
- CAD-type software for 3-D design of structures and generation of machining code file (*.enc)
- Available on demand (local installation required, access to license server by network)
- Import of CAD files, various formats acceptable (DXF, DWG, IGES, CADL, VDA-FS, ANVIL, STEP, STL, Rhino)
FemtoPrint control software
Laser machining based on *.enc code
- MICROMECHANICS: MEMS, Micro-valves, actuators, hinges, flexures, watch mechanisms etc.
- OPTICS/PHOTONICS: waveguides, gratings, lenses, couplers, interconnects, etc.
- MICROFLUIDICS : 3D micro-channels, mixers, reactors, lab-on-a-chip, etc.
- MICRO-ELECTRONICS : Through-glass vias, RF interposers, MEMS sensors, etc.
- Micromachining on surface and in the surface volume (alignment marks, buried structures)